Rev. James Hunt

Campus Pastor and Director

James Hunt is a native Oklahoman. He was born in Talihina, went to high school in Henryetta, and graduated from Oklahoma State University. He earned a degree in American History in 2004, then attended Perkins School of Theology at SMU, graduating in 2009.

James traces his Methodist roots back to his great great grandfather who was a Circuit Rider in Oklahoma territory, once serving the Stillwater area. James has served churches in Oklahoma and North Texas ranging in size from 100 members to 5,000, and has experience in college ministry, youth and camping ministries, church planting, and creating new worship experiences.

James has a daughter who is 11, a son who is 8, and a son who is 6. So his hobbies include legos, children's books, and driving people to sports complexes.

405-372-5830 | 918-384-8784 |

twitter & instagram @jasthunt